Smash Repo Wizard: Maintenance Tools: The famous Ares Wizard addon give amazing great utilities to maintain kodi system but Smash repo also features some of the best tools to maintain KODI such as Clear Cache, Thumbnails, Logs, addons uninstall, enable/disable addons, backups and much more. You will find the Smash Repo Wizard within Program
Smash peut être utilisé sans inscription ni compte préalable. L'utilisateur peut ajouter les dossiers et les fichiers de son choix puis saisir un message personnalisé et les e-mails des destin 11/07/2020 SMASH Repo. How to Install Exodus Addon on Kodi 17.6 Krypton. June 1, 2020 September 20, 2017 by Aidan. In this guide, I will be showing you how to install the famous Exodus add-on. This addon has been very popular and widely used for a long time and is a very well known addon. This is known as one of the best Kodi add-ons of all time due to its long history and its regular updates with new Under the Smash Repo, you can see the list of category like Addon repository, Context menu, Look & feel, Music addons, Program addon, Video addons, services. Video addon is the most popular category. It contains the addon such as 1Channel, Gurzil, Exodus, f4mTester, SportsAccess, Stream All the Sources, YouTube and more. Is the smash repo down? trying to reinstall exodus and i can't access the repo? 37 comments. share. save hide report. 83% Upvoted. This thread is archived. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Sort by. best. best (suggested) top new controversial old q&a. level 1. estilianopoulos. 9 points · 2 years ago. Get used to stuff like this happening. A lot of these developers are
07/08/2019 · A simple tool for mp4. RSS Atom Atom
The Smash Repo came into Light after shutting down of is a new addon, and Smash got popularity in less time. Because it has hosted some of the best Kodi addons, which was not available after tvAddons shutdown.So people were looking for those add-ons, then Smash repo came with those popular add-ons.All the tvaddons are not in Smash, but few of the best one is in it. SMASH Repository was home to abandoned add-ons, niche releases, and quite a few oddball resources for obscure films and TV shows. It was a great repo to use if your tastes ran a little off the beaten path, but it also had mainstream content to keep the masses satisfied.
8 Jul 2017 In this video, I will demonstrate how to install the SMASH repository (repo) in Kodi 17 (Krypton). If you have any questions, feel free to leave a
Smash renouvelle le genre et bouscule le modèle existant en proposant un service gratuit, sans publicité, sans limite de taille des fichiers et même sans besoin de vous inscrire pour pouvoir l’utiliser. Il sera difficile de faire mieux. Envoyer de gros fichiers gratuitement et facilement. Smash offre une interface limpide et moderne pour envoyer un fichier de quelques megas ou de 11/10/2006 Download Smash Repo: There are Lot of Kodi Repos available for Kodi Player. The most famous of all are SuperRepo, Colossus Repository, Ares Project, NOOBS & NERDS Repo, TV Addons repo. SuperRepo is the Home for more than 100 of Third Party Kodi Addons. Colossus Repo is more famous and a Latest Repo and Home for Covenant Kodi which is the Best Replacement for Exodus Kodi. TV Addons repo were down in the middle but now they are back and they are working well. Smash Repo is one of the Long Download -SMASH Repo 17/9/18, 15 sources - Under This Repo, I Will Host Addons With No Home,Bring Life To Dead Addons That Fully Work, Link To Repos From Devs (This will install current version the Dev Has) (Repositories)